Nutrition: getting off meat and dairy, whole food plant based diet

Starting a Whole Food Plant Based Diet

Plant-based diets have been touted as a great way to help the environment and improve your health. Unfortunately, too many people assume that such a diet is too hard to follow, or that they'll be too limited in what they can eat. With some help from our “chiropractor near me”, we can provide some nutritional guidance. We at Bove Family Chiropractic in Norristown, PA, know a lot about nutrition and how it can help.

Making the initial switch from bad meat and dairy, fast food and junk food more specifically, can be hard, but there are some ways to you can make it easier on yourself and your family. Try these tips to get started.

Know Which Meats Are Good and Which Are Bad 

How healthy or unhealthy a food is depends a lot on how it is prepared or how processed it is. For example, chicken nuggets from a fast-food restaurant are much less healthy than a homecooked chicken breast. The same goes for veggies. French fries are technically potatoes, but they are still very bad for you. A good rule is whatever is less processed is healthier.

Men Need More Meat Than Woman

Though avoiding fast food meats are important, men should still be eating some red meat in moderation. Red meat, and other protein, is important to keeping high testosterone levels. It is also important to not over consume soy-based products, like the kind you will find in snack food, as that can lower testosterone.

Find Recipes Everyone Likes

Black bean tacos, fruit salads, and chicken salads are favorites among kids and adults. Don't be too picky about calories when you're first starting out; if your family likes a meal, consider it a success.

Contact Us for More Information on Healthy Habits and Nutritional Guidance from Our Family Chiropractor

If you live in the Norristown, PA area and you're interested in trying a plant-based diet, give our family chiropractor a call at (610) 272-6111 Bove Family Chiropractic. We can work with you to develop healthy habits and get your health back on track with out “chiropractor near me”.

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